So much has happened. Got a job, ended that job. Recorded a legend, got the comeback session next moth. Trying to reunite the old rock band with Punt. Looking for two roommates for the house downtown, filing taxes, cleaning the house so it looks presentable.
Split up with the girlfriend of 2+ years. I'm a bit sad and lonely so i'm putting forth the effort to go out more. My niece turned 3 yesterday, and she gave her uncle Bobo a hug. (she thinks i'm a clown... not far off).
Split up with the girlfriend of 2+ years. I'm a bit sad and lonely so i'm putting forth the effort to go out more. My niece turned 3 yesterday, and she gave her uncle Bobo a hug. (she thinks i'm a clown... not far off).
you have links for the low flying plane stuff??
i don't hang around town anymore
i'm too old and crotchety. :cry: