Thursday Sep 14, 2006 Sep 13, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email Sometimes trying to convey the way I feel to people is like reciting Homer's The Oddessy from memory based on instructions you'd get in the mail. VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS penelopelee: i love the oddysey. and you are totally my new best internet friend. BFF!! Sep 14, 2006 penelopelee: this is who destroyed glenn's computer: if my boyfriend were a cat, that's EXACTLY what he'd look like. and act like. he and glenn are BFF. i would have gotten in WAY more shit if it was me who ruined the drive. Sep 14, 2006
if my boyfriend were a cat, that's EXACTLY what he'd look like. and act like. he and glenn are BFF. i would have gotten in WAY more shit if it was me who ruined the drive.