Do you guys hate when you call a business or credit card company , or utility company and you get a computer and have to dial your way to a person? Don't do it anymore.
Awesomeness. Thanks for the link, and it's nwo bookmarked for future reference.
As per your suggestion in the recording group, I'm contacting people who'd be interested in nominating anyone, even themselves, to take over as group leader. If you're interested in participating in the vote or nominating someone, keep an eye out on this thread.
We'll accept nominations until the end of Tuesday, and begin voting on Wednesday.
As per your suggestion in the recording group, I'm contacting people who'd be interested in nominating anyone, even themselves, to take over as group leader. If you're interested in participating in the vote or nominating someone, keep an eye out on this thread.
We'll accept nominations until the end of Tuesday, and begin voting on Wednesday.