When it rains it pours.
Not only have I been having the worst month, but it seems to be snowballing on me. I end up getting super sick two days before my friends college graduation party, which sucks, but then my tooth starts aching on friday. I call the dentist to see if it was cause for concern. Of course they don't work on fridays so I leave them a message. Late saturday night after a day and a half of excruciating pain, i notice that my gum is swelling and there is a black blister of sorts on my gum. I know what this is. This is an abscess of the tooth root. Funny thing is that I had an accident when I was a kid and had a root canal on this tooth 15 years ago. Yep, 15 years later, looks like the root canal was botched and it was still living..... well, up until saturday that is.
So I have to page the dentist at like 2:00am on saturday night so that he can call in an antibiotic prescription for me on sunday afternoon at the local RX. I'm going in on wednesday (cause he doesn't even return to the office until then) for a "consult" to see what the fuck is going on. Needless to say, i'll need another root canal to make sure the fucker is taken care of. Such a pain.
Oh yeah, and he prescribed me the antibiotics that i'm allergic to, so i'm nauseous all day long.
Welcome to my daily life consisting primarily of satyrical irony and dull pain.
Not only have I been having the worst month, but it seems to be snowballing on me. I end up getting super sick two days before my friends college graduation party, which sucks, but then my tooth starts aching on friday. I call the dentist to see if it was cause for concern. Of course they don't work on fridays so I leave them a message. Late saturday night after a day and a half of excruciating pain, i notice that my gum is swelling and there is a black blister of sorts on my gum. I know what this is. This is an abscess of the tooth root. Funny thing is that I had an accident when I was a kid and had a root canal on this tooth 15 years ago. Yep, 15 years later, looks like the root canal was botched and it was still living..... well, up until saturday that is.
So I have to page the dentist at like 2:00am on saturday night so that he can call in an antibiotic prescription for me on sunday afternoon at the local RX. I'm going in on wednesday (cause he doesn't even return to the office until then) for a "consult" to see what the fuck is going on. Needless to say, i'll need another root canal to make sure the fucker is taken care of. Such a pain.
Oh yeah, and he prescribed me the antibiotics that i'm allergic to, so i'm nauseous all day long.
Welcome to my daily life consisting primarily of satyrical irony and dull pain.
Happy St. Patty's Day!

hope your feeling better soon runkey