Ho-lee crap! Last night was so much doggone fun! Went to the rollerderby with the lovely Ms. JACX. That kicked so much ASS! They had the after party at The Ritz, which was also a great time. Spadez met up with us there. Yes, indeed it was the best time I've had in quite a while! Unfortunately, I didn't get to meet up with bossanova yesterday. Next time, my dear: peanut butter pie!
I woke up at 2:00 this afternoon. Felt like such a bum. I managed to turn the rest of the day around. Great record shopping and Thai food!
Ugh! Back to work tomorrow. Hopefully, there won't be any SXSW cancellations upon my return. It kinda goes with the territory, but I'll cross that bridge (again) when I get to it.
I'm very pissed about my "mother of all eBay" purchase. It was this cool vintage clock and the fucker DOESN'T WORK! You can only imagine my disappointment. I contacted the douchebag who sold it to me, but he has yet to respond. More on this story as it develops. Hope everybody here had a great weekend as well. I'm tellin' you Texas folks, you should do yourselves a favor and go to the next rollerderby on 3/28!!! Click HERE for more details! Right now, I'm digging on one of my much sought after purchases today: Adam West "13 De Luxe". Other cool scores of the day include
Adam West "Mondo Royale"
Lazy Cowgirls "I'm Goin' Out and Get Hurt Tonight"
Yep!!! Well, have a good week y'all!
Oh yeah...some new pics! Hubba Hubba!
I woke up at 2:00 this afternoon. Felt like such a bum. I managed to turn the rest of the day around. Great record shopping and Thai food!
Ugh! Back to work tomorrow. Hopefully, there won't be any SXSW cancellations upon my return. It kinda goes with the territory, but I'll cross that bridge (again) when I get to it.
I'm very pissed about my "mother of all eBay" purchase. It was this cool vintage clock and the fucker DOESN'T WORK! You can only imagine my disappointment. I contacted the douchebag who sold it to me, but he has yet to respond. More on this story as it develops. Hope everybody here had a great weekend as well. I'm tellin' you Texas folks, you should do yourselves a favor and go to the next rollerderby on 3/28!!! Click HERE for more details! Right now, I'm digging on one of my much sought after purchases today: Adam West "13 De Luxe". Other cool scores of the day include
Adam West "Mondo Royale"
Lazy Cowgirls "I'm Goin' Out and Get Hurt Tonight"
Yep!!! Well, have a good week y'all!
Oh yeah...some new pics! Hubba Hubba!

anyhoo, the lesbian sex might actually go to SGtheMag if they take it. i have yet to type it in, cross your fingers!!!
i don't remember what else-OH! Prince today. there was a song on his last bizarre album called "She Loves Me For Me" that would make stop and collapse. i would kill to hear it again.