Today the choo-choo train of eBay treasures came careening into my apartment! I swear, it must have been 10 packages worth. Among the treasures were switchblades, antique straightrazors, records (of course!), cds (given) and a bunch of vintage mexican film noir posters. Among the CDs and records were Lazy Cowgirls, Puffball, Entombed, Hanoi Rocks and The Dictators ("Manifest Destiny" Japanese CD...How cool am I?). Well, that's enough boasting for one night.
I had such a great time tonight. Met up with Houston's very own bossanova. We went for Thai food and then went for drinks at Casino El Camino. Always a good time there. FINALLY met kitten face to face. She kicks ass! I was bummed that we ran into her as we were leaving.
All in all, a great night. No drama, no bullshit, just a good time all around. It's way too late. Must go to sleep. Hope y'all had a great Saturday night. Who's gonna call me to go eat pancakes?
I had such a great time tonight. Met up with Houston's very own bossanova. We went for Thai food and then went for drinks at Casino El Camino. Always a good time there. FINALLY met kitten face to face. She kicks ass! I was bummed that we ran into her as we were leaving.
All in all, a great night. No drama, no bullshit, just a good time all around. It's way too late. Must go to sleep. Hope y'all had a great Saturday night. Who's gonna call me to go eat pancakes?

Hey you. What's up? Look like you have been having a good time. Well I am coming into town this weekend. Planning on meeting up with you guy Saturday night for a little bit. I am going to that burlesque show I was telling you about,, It starts around 10 or so. You want to come? Then I don't know what I am doing after. Where are you guys going to go? I know you are meeting at Katz I think. I will check the thread. Also I was thinking about going to the Roller Derby that Sunday night. I have a friend that skates with them. She isn't skating that night though. Maybe you know her, Miss Conduct? She is really awesome and I have never see her skate. Maybe we could go together or meet up. Do you have tickets? I need to get one. Let me know what's up. Later

That sounds awesome. I will send you my email. Let me know if you would like to go to the b-show after you find out your plans. I would love to be your plus one to the derby game. I am driving into town so I can meet you before hand if you want. This weekend can't come any sooner. I am ready for a break.