Sorry I'm late! I really don't have an excuse, as I haven't done anything all damn day. It was so nice to get some decent sleep for a change. Basically, I just talked on the phone and fooled around on the computer. Didn't get to eat Thai food, cuz my partner in grubbage couldn't make it to town. It's all good, cuz we rescheduled.
I tried to call my mom at the hospital. We spoke for about 10 seconds (literally), but she was having a hard time. I'm trying my damnedsest not to worry about that. She's old and sick, and I've been bracing for this for years. I don't want her to die, but she's miserable. I'm waiting for instructions as to whether I should come to Virginia. Please don't think I'm insensitive, because I've agonized over this for years. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.
I was going to go on about how much shit sucks right now, but that's pretty much a given. Instead, I will tell you about what I got from eBay in the mail today. I got a very cool Lords of the New Church DVD. I believe there is some lip syncing goin' on, cuz Stiv is obviously fucked up beyond comprehension, yet sounds pretty damn good. I saw those guys, and that was far from the case! I also got this cool box set of Cramps 7"s. It's the "Smell of a Female" LP, but on 5 singles (of course it's colored vinyl). Seems as though there was something else, but I can't remember right now. There will be more on the way next week. This has to stop!
I just deleted a big rant on infidelity. Man, that was ugly. If you're married or in a relationship, don't fuck around on your partner, you miserable scumbag!

I hope your Sunday is much better. Go fly a kite in Zilker or something.
some people are sadistic, and take delight in pushing that envelope and seeing another heartbroken.