I never got around to updating my journal last night, cuz my friend from NYC called. He was my best friend when I lived in Richmond, VA. He saw me at my worst. He saw me at my best. Mostly, he saw me at my worst. He saw guns get pulled on me. He saw me go home with the oddest collection of girls that one could ever assemble. I guess it's a good thing he lives so far away!
No, he's the coolest. That was a long time ago. I've changed my wicked ways...for the most part.
Today was such a rough day at work. My God, I just want next week to be over with. MAYBE I can have my life back. I'm pretty sure I'm going back to Seattle for a visit. If I"m lucky, I'm gonna go visit a friend out in Cali. I'm just lookin' forward to some time off. Baby, I am STRESSED!!!
Nothing very exciting happened today. I did get a new fax machine. If you like office supplies, that's pretty damn major, ain't it? Yes, I know you are nodding out from bordom. Without further adieu, let me present Mulhollanddrive's eBay Scores O' the DAY!!! Drumroll please............
1) Joe Strummer "Redemption Song" picture disc w/groovy bonus tracks!
2) Hanoi Rocks "Malibu Beach Nightmare" picture disc with groovy B-side!
3) Sonny Vincent "Parallax in Wonderland" CD. It's too bad that more people haven't heard this guy, cuz he really RAWKS!!!
4) Hanoi Rocks "12 Shots on the Rocks" CD. This was not an eBay score. It was a promo copy that a sales rep brought me. Woo fucking HOO!!!
Horribly boring and geeky, I know. You still love me though, don't you? DON'T YOU??? God, I hope so!

Today was such a rough day at work. My God, I just want next week to be over with. MAYBE I can have my life back. I'm pretty sure I'm going back to Seattle for a visit. If I"m lucky, I'm gonna go visit a friend out in Cali. I'm just lookin' forward to some time off. Baby, I am STRESSED!!!

Nothing very exciting happened today. I did get a new fax machine. If you like office supplies, that's pretty damn major, ain't it? Yes, I know you are nodding out from bordom. Without further adieu, let me present Mulhollanddrive's eBay Scores O' the DAY!!! Drumroll please............
1) Joe Strummer "Redemption Song" picture disc w/groovy bonus tracks!
2) Hanoi Rocks "Malibu Beach Nightmare" picture disc with groovy B-side!
3) Sonny Vincent "Parallax in Wonderland" CD. It's too bad that more people haven't heard this guy, cuz he really RAWKS!!!
4) Hanoi Rocks "12 Shots on the Rocks" CD. This was not an eBay score. It was a promo copy that a sales rep brought me. Woo fucking HOO!!!
Horribly boring and geeky, I know. You still love me though, don't you? DON'T YOU??? God, I hope so!

i am officially ebay-addicted. its a problem. but then again, the first step towards recovery is admitting you have a problem. im on my way! (hopefully, because ifi keep this up ill be broke as a joke).
If you want to go to Beerland with me Tonight, get in touch with me on AIM, before 10pm.