Well, I never made it out last night. The Flametrick Subs were at Beerland, but the effort to endure all that would go along with being there was a higher price than I was willing to fork over. Didn't do much of anything today, except run a few errands. I watched "Bugsy" on AMC, which I have't seen since it originally came out in '91 (?). Not the greatest movie, but the cars and clothing were great. I went out for Mexican food tonight. It's a pleasure to resume that Sunday ritual. Back to work tomorrow. Now that the holidays are over, I have to focus on the dreaded


Oh, and my best friend will be with me down in Austin, but doesn't mean we won't be able to get together. I think she wants go to out on 6th Street Friday night since she has 2 kids and hardly ever gets out, let alone out of town. We would love for you to join us if you'd be down for 6th Street. Otherwise, there's always a round of peanut butter pie at some point.