It's 11:00 last night. There I am "tending to my personal affairs" (open to interpretation) when the phone rings. I expected it to be one of the usual folks who call me on a daily basis (unless they are ignoring me for some reason ). Well, it wasn't. It was my ex from Seattle. She called from out of the blue. Twas very strange, cuz we haven't spoken in about 2 years, maybe more. It was a good conversation, but rather surreal. Kinda like talking to a ghost. Towards the end of the conversation, we both start apologizing for things we did that led to our breakup. It made me kinda sad. I haven't thought about our relationship much in the past few years. This might sound strange, but after my dad died, everything that happened before that was my past. Well, whatever. It got me to thinking about the early months of our we felt sick when we were away from each other, how great it was every time we talked on the phone, how you just want to give them everything in the whole fuckin' world!
That is the greatest feeling. I would give anything to be in that situation again. Not with the ex though.
Um...yeah. I got an advance of the new Ryan Adams CD today. Only heard a song or two. It's gonna take a few more listens.
That is the greatest feeling. I would give anything to be in that situation again. Not with the ex though.
Um...yeah. I got an advance of the new Ryan Adams CD today. Only heard a song or two. It's gonna take a few more listens.
i'm not sure of the whole david blaine thing yet! he was definitely a bit thinner, cos when he went in he had put on sooooo much weight. and the public are generally round there at all times of night, so i don't know! i think it was a big dissapointment, what ever it was! everyone thought he would vanish and reappear in hyde park or something! i just wanted to see some good magic.
you never told me you met courtney love!
and i did go to college today, but my lecture wasn't until 3.30!
I haven't been around much lately so I'm catching up. I know what you mean about the ex thing. I've avoided mine for more than one year now, because everytime she called it felt good at first but then it would make me very bitter ideed...
Well, "Past is gone" as Nasty would say.
Also, totally agree on the early relationship thing. It's the most incredible time when it happens. Sadly, it's also very hard to find and keep.
Last time my heart really beat faster was 2 years ago. I had met this Italian girl that was unbelievably gorgeous and it was quite obvious she liked me more than a lot. But of course, at the time she was in a (dying) long term relationship that she decided (later) she wouldn't give up on.
I'll always remember one date with her. We talked for hours like it was evident, like we HAD to be together at that place and time. It felt unbelievable. And the way we hugged at the train station when she left felt warmer & better than many, many nights of so-called "lovemaking".
She left for Italy a few weeks later.
PS: let me know if the Ryan Adams CD is good. And by the way, do you like Jesse Malin?