scabs! I've not been into st martin's (where I'm an associate lecturer, at least that's what it says on my ID badge) since the whole strike action question kicked off, so I've not been able to picket or campaign (should my poncy art school be joining in) but bollox and cock indeed.
glad the marking's nearly done though, this is why I love teaching practical units and anyhoo, somer is y'comen in, the clouds will be a daisy chain, so let me see you smile again...
Had a lovely time thank you! Even if he is gay, he is one of the most lovely men I know. Hell, a gal can dream....And Max Bygraves RULES. Thank you for reminding me of his singalongawonderfulness....
Logged in a few hours ago with the intention of uploading me old mugshot, but got distracted by a few newbie threads. Since then time has just slipped away......................
This place is huge and full of likeminded people!!! I became so entranced that I forgot to make many friendly overtures. So - before any more days flash past, here is another journal posting 'fore bath... Read More