Well i got my speeding ticket worked out yesterday and it turns out I got myself worked up over nothing. Just a huge fine and traffic school, joy of joys. Life is pretty bland right now, can't tell if its a rut or something larger.
I miss my friends from home some, though most of them were not very good friends. I think its just...
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Happy B-day!! biggrin
Yes, I got my first ever speeding ticket today. 83 in a 55, go me. My bike is making me stupid, so I'll just take this one as a heads up i guess. It still pisses me off, mostly just kicking myself. I'm hoping nothing really negative comes of this. Fuck em, don't care. I need to get involved in racing or something, to release...
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What's worse, this girl I'm seeing got a littering ticket for a thousand dollars just by tossing a cigarette out the window. Not only does that suck, she was going 65 in the middle lane and cars in the fast lane were going 85. How about that?
never got a speeding ticket yet... sometimes i wish i could pull people over for speeding, cause i see it all the time... and whats with people passing by making lanes where there arent any?? i swear i just wanna shoot people every time they pass me!
Yes, yet another unbirthday for me. I can't wait for my next one. I should get myself some unbirthday presents, the man will love me for that. I have no idea why I'm suprised just how many people are born each day, crap we are in trouble. Time for some population control, the line forms behind me.

I spend all day every workday on the...
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Yes. my first entry. Well joy to me, and all those revolving around slowly. Wish I had wit for the witless, love for the loveless, and SG underpants for everyone.

Missing my family dysfunction right now. Everything seems a bit too, normal. Not happy not sad, some more bland version of just alright. Sounds dangerous no? About time for the sky to fall, or me...
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