I must find a christmas tree this week!
I need to decorate and finish x-mas shopping too. Yay for christmas! I'm finally eggcited about it again. thanks jesus!
so many cute ornaments this year too. we bought the seuss "hop on pop" wind-up one. too fucking cute!

so many cute ornaments this year too. we bought the seuss "hop on pop" wind-up one. too fucking cute!

i think you left your skull back at the house.
and yeah dude... nice to meetcha
lovely surprise for me in the morning
i was like "woah, this is cool"
im glad you guys enjoyed my lil gifts
i felt so bad we didnt get our swag i wanted to do something for everyone
glad you came out
it was nice to meet some cool people
we will have to chill more
(btw-its still sad that you knew about the pathetic little rituals of our tiny town, its sad that thats what people associate with "here")
i will change the welcome sign to say "HOME OF ZELDA"