Well to start this week off I had to post this pic to show my appreciation to lovely woman here on Suicidegirls just about all SG's that have influenced me and inspired me, What started off an experiment of sorts but my love for SG was way back before that first time ever saw float around web and other unknown places in 08 @radeo lovely bully had me hooked SG forever,And well bounce back to 2012 where idea pinup girls as characters took off then started doing actors too as well which i know mention previous times on here lmao not sound like broken record here this be last ever speak of it.
That I still owe you guys video to explain what "Graff Core Elemental" is little better than previous posts in last three months so stay tuned for that,I took some my best picture's put all these beautiful ladies put them together. ^^
But on side from this am really glad I join here the positively here blows me away and love connecting with you all here don't matter if your SG or not you guys some most chill ass folks ever met and ladies I love getting laugh with from time to time with ya you gal's rock and amazing as fuck and that ain't no lie here haha good know there some good humor here,one thing love about being here is love and that alone,but also love for art,photograph modeling well all seem have in common love for art here,well..here's to 17years guys fuck yeah! <3
But this for you guys! @casanova (Alie,bA) @bixton (Gina) @bully (Lennie) @sabbbre (Raven) @ackley (Izzy) @meelajane (Jazzy) @akuma (Levy) @jasper (As,Jasper) @emi (Nikki) @almendra (Mer) rip carrina (Norychi) <3 love you guys and their's much more and two-three characters Alex,Vanessa,kimono I couldn't fit them all here that aren't SG's it was kinda hard get everyone in the pic without missing up details.
I I could mention names four more,one including lovely @chroi other sg...am hesitant to tag but...haven't gotten around drawing you yet it'd going few months down the road and am weird like that,but enough of fictional talk here love ya ladies! <3 yours truly ashy ^^