Tagged by lovely @chroi bf fo lyfe baby! <3 YESSS!!
1. do you like bleu cheese? Well i love food what can i say? so yeah i do ^^
2. coke or pepsi? Gave up that shit long time ago, but i still like coke.
3. do you own a gun? uh...no
4. what flavor kool aid? fruit punch, like OH YEAH!
5. what do you think of hot dogs? I like chilli dogs,their good vegan ones too FOO!!
6. favorite TV show? Ash vs the evil dead i might just rewatch all three seasons again, and well revisiting my childhood Nostalgia so am have to say binge watching...Beastwars currently never was apart of the g1 era or into either. oh Micheal bay's transformers is still joke even know love somethings about it haha. XD oh and punisher was really good too enjoyed that last year good stuff hope do more. And dare devil wasn't bad unlike joke of movie with Matt diamond's version oh god...haha XD
7. favorite movies? Aw too many too name, but I could mange. Predator,predator2 stoked to see newest one! :D the fast and furious not get confused all other movie's but i love the fourth one reminds lot first one,escape from L.A. because Curt Russel is badass! love his movies. ^^
8. what do you drink in the morning? Black coffee some time lil bit sugar cream.
9. can you do a pushup? yeah...barely with my boney ass XD
10. favorite jewelry? What jewelry?
11. favorite hobby? Cooking and binge watching movies and shows, and reading ^^
12. do you have a d h d? Is it crime? didn't was bad thing gggggeeezzz..... -,-
13. do you wear glasses? shades and rarely lmao.
14. favorite cartoon character? Ren and stimpie cause were all weirdo's XD couple others,the major ghost in the and mugen from samurai champloo,Tarantulas,megatron,dino bot just name few didn't i need summary for this lmao.
15. three things i did today? photoshoped for lil bit still need finished,working more art. and repeat oh and talked awesome rad chroi<3
16. three things i drink regularly? coffee,water, chocolate banana protein shake thingy lol,plus beer.
17. current dislike? What is that? sorry...am lost here, fuck i'm kidding. Nothing get yo negativity away from me YESS!!
18. favorite place to go? lost in my mind, or go enjoy mother nature it's literally my surroundings here mountains lmao.
19. how did you bring in the new year? Chatting up storm with everyone like wild fire on SG and bringing more art yaya! Plus wonderful ladies here. :D
20. where would you like to go? Japan badly.
21. name five people who will do this? @brisen @yogi64 @naru_blu and @leighgabriel the cute @mademoisellecerise (if you guys haven't done it already that is :D I took words right of chroi's mouth XD)
23. do you like to sleep on satin sheets? don't have any but i'd slid all over lol.
24. can you whislte? yes I can...can you?
25. what are you doing right now? about finishup some work oh yes! YESSS!!
26. would you be a pirate? You kidding me? love pirates oh and private gal's too. ;D
27. favorite food? tomato sandwiches?
28. last thing/person that made me laugh? yesterday with chroi<3
29. last time you received flowers? ah...me flowers you kidding right? shit, I ain't special lmao.
30. most recent injury? Nothing.
31. how many pets are in your house? three chinchillas two jit's woflie and ringo like ringo star one almost full grown she's pretty big that's Lulu.
32. worst pain ever? cutting my fingers, bonking my head lol.
33. do you like to dance? I can't really but probably star doing some strange funky shit. Like three six mafia i'd be twisting body..from side..side..XD
34. are your parents still alive? yeah they are, and I love them. ^^
35. do you love your life? Yes,am grateful thankful for lot I wouldn't be were am at if wasn't people in my life. and current mean ya new folks here. :D <3
36. summer or winter? Well...winter, and snows like mofo here too.