Alright finally! got around post this shit, I said post more but slackin lately things been tense here and their, life's a bitch what can say? here's some mish mash of things most stuff from the 2009 era. All fanart even my takes on few works.
Shinobi, Hotsuma 2009, still one all time favorite games. I have digital version too.
My take on hellboy,2009 i'd post other version but look's like shit.
Greyback 1990,lost tribe predator2 "" greyback tosses himflintlock pistol, lieutenant harrigan catches it "1715..." my best pic of yaut'ja of 2008 I might recreate this badass mofo, i have tons of predator fanart most oc's and stuff. ^^ hyped for 2018 movie XD
Yoruichi from,2010 never finish it EVER idk...somethings never get done. move on next thing never watch much nautro more samurai champloo,ninja scroll,afro guy but I do love ninjas lol.
Saved the best for last,even know their shit ton more.This lovely Alie layus,blue angel-2010 back in the day i was crazy over import models yet alone...the magazines cars over all still am, i actually got into import scene through mags way..before i saw the fast and furious i was just kid then didn't much about cars like do now.
Well that's it for tonight folks, stay tuned for next post or what ever I may do next. I already couple new things i'll be uploading more breaking down Graff Core Elemental characters and such and of course share more of work. ^^ Well goodnight guys enjoy peace!