For start it's no,epic sugar coated superhero shit that for sure not their theirs wrong with that i'm more of villains cold sons of bitches type but I have few favorites. Graff Core Elemental is kinda of like if mortal kombat clashed with watchmen meets Marc Eko's getting up on meth something like that, characters ranging from horror like, to ninja samurai gaiden like all things vigilant. And of course some hard core action it's bit diverse but not pushy, it's little grounded well most on my behalf my best friend keir who wrote this with me is bit more fictional side but I too love me some fiction too ain't all realistic serious all damn time,their's over thirty four characters and fifteen minor one's to break it down some more out there than others. It's took years to write create for me over time revamp lot and bring more to table i'm no professional here just enjoy storytelling.
I figure since i'm be posting snips and bits of SG influenced characters may as well get into more,So you have idea behind pictures of characters like Lennie for exmaple, haven't said much about males yet but i'll will do others as well i'd love share but...i'm too embarrassed because some of it need mad work and bit of mess so linking my deviantart folder be huge mistake in less your open to it,But i plan reworking this year after leaving untouched since 2015 when was finished (As we thought then) but...the prequel to is still the works as now I just doing twenty pages not sure about posting yet but, I don't mind showing snips of dial and what not plus some of illustrations I've done back bits and some are based off randomness, still working tell more in illustrations i might even take another stab at doing comic book panels again maybe.
To the far top is Crank and baby ace @casanova character,below them another Lennie and Splode pic as mentioned in the actual story were she lives out Mojave desert.Below them is the craziest couple from different times @Jasper 1718 & blackout 1519 Aztec who's the biggest ego driven asshole (those two i'll share more another time) another kick ass pic of lovely @bully aka Lennie,chaos which post few times lot you seem like her character here. And last but least for the day is Splode & stryker two raging psychopaths which I'll unfavorably have explain next post.
Well till then peace! much love guys appreciate feed back means lot<3 love ya all guys! of wonder world of guess electric land ;) I never sick of saying that!