Another pic of Angie for you guys, I just gave her some love for the third day to in row since I've been here. And why not celebrate good old 12years to the sweet gal. Lennie relaxed beloving with her best friend James, this picture was lot fun. I haven't done completely panels yet thought doing her couple gals going at it guns blazing or kicking ass Layin the mack down on some vigilante Madness Just example their. the pic above is couple years old James is way off,I've progress since then and its based off something I've written from the story their few pics that are. The pinups are just for fun really not show loose sides to the ladies You'll find more familiar faces > and others of big ass 34 and all which list all twenty gals I could name now. But can't share too much cause spoil the fun for me I like keep ya in, you'll find few actors bared most in featured side or other folders too, yeah this my life pretty much...
Today/last year>