Being bit off and bad stomach ache from being buzzed last night, I can thank you ladies more than enough and encouraging me bit more its only been four days and community here is awesome, even when now then pop in and out seeing new faces and familiar faces checkout the boards here in wonderful electronic lady land :D I'm quite fond of you too @gladyce ^^ I already dred posting my ugly ass on a board looking like shit.
now I know what your why say that Evan? Just little insecure I guess if did think wasnt attractive I'd would gone three four relationships then so jokes on me. I'll tell you this it sucks being unemployed but making up for most my time won't be long hopefully, well on that note I'm greatly appreciate the mad love. <3 theirs no turning back now I'm staying baby! My Flirty sarcasm and odd choice of words is gift that just keep giving...yeah I'm like this in person but quite sort of shy awkward but I'll warm to ya,btw I blame this site for making me horny I mean fuck..I'm not first who's said this either but theirs lot freaky as shit going on,their secret club I don't about? Im just kidding guys XD folks like me guess we have in common then but this is art makes you feel good<3 peace! Love always ladies my heart is too damn big.