Followers, who needs stinking followers?
A few reasons I dont have twitter! Its for Twits who needs to feel important, "oh follow me on this, follow me on that" Fuck you, you self absorbed bitch!
What I liked about the old SG, we were friends!!! Not followers!
I would promote my fave models, guess wont be doing that anymore!
Im ranting and I can!
I wont after May of 2014, I refuse after 7 years to pay to be followed or have followers!
You even took away the awesome testimonials!
I had a lot of them! They were awesome, it showed what the girls thought about us.
Now we are followers, takes away from the famliness!
I know I'm only one man, me leaving won't ruin the site, I get that!
You The Powers To Be Of SG alienated people. No longer friends, made everyone followers, or followees!
However I thought I made friends for 7 years, not followers!
I never asked to be followed! Never wanted to be followed, nor will I pay to follow anyone or pay to have followers!
My fuckin rant!!!!!!!