I heard that about Pawn Stars as well and was like really? I actually watch that show and thought they should show her more on it. Makes me wonder though if SG was the real reason or what...?
Anyway, that's cool about the Camaro too. I used to own one. Still drive Chevy's though. Firm beliver in buying American when you can.
Wow that really blows. It's pawn stars, who gives a fuck if she's SuicideGirl, that shouldn't change anything. Maybe they got complaints or something since its the History channel but still, lame.
Kind of hard to be a Domestic Engineer when Walmart has only 2 colors of blinds in stock, white and off-white! Really? I want Maple, or something in the brown family damn it!
Anyone know where I can pick up some blinds That are already in stock in a brown color?
Store websites will usually tell you if the item is in their physical stock or if it's an online purchase only. It will save you from driving all over for nothing.