i was out to day hung over as fuck! and these two mother fuckers were talking shit not about me but this country. saying how much they hate it saying fuck our flag! i wont say there race i don't think i cared. one talked about how people in other country's burn our flag that's about where i couldn't take it no more. i got up and walk over there and told them that i loved this country and i would die for it just like all those crazy fuckers in other country would die for there's. but i wouldn't strap a bomb to my self or fly a plane into a building and told them it was a differant kind of love. i told them y don't they go back to where they came from if they hate it so much. they both looked at me like i was crazy i simply said that our country was so great that it would let two pieces of shit like them come here and try to earn a better life. two fuckes that hate her so much come here and have freedom and that would protect them from people like me. because it's the right thing to do. one called me a wet back i said no an american born here, raised here, schooled here, and would die here. this is a country everyone wishes there's could be. that's why they were sitting in an american resturant, eating american food,paying with american money,surrounded by american people. told them look around next time your walking around every country and race is represented even there's! then i told them the only reason i didn't kick there ass is because our law protects all and they weren't worth it. all my grandparents were born in mexico, including my dad my mom here. i have uncles and brothers that served in the military from vietnam to iraq and i'm very proud of them all. even if they fight so pieces of shit like that could know what freedom is!
My American Flag
The People of today
just rant and rave.
They burn my symbol of freedom,
I just want to grab and shake them.
They have no sense of pride,
For your beauty you never denied.
Like my brothers before me,
I have fought to keep your colors free.
With every battle that we had won,
you were there to show who was number one.
When our brothers had died,
you caressed their bodies with pride.
We have our leaders to thank,
for allowing these people their prank.
To them it may be a cloth of colors,
to me it stands for freedom and honor.
We must ask our leaders to debate,
and change our flags fate.
My American Flag this promise I give,
to hold you high and let you live.
My words to you are profound,
I'll keep your colors off the ground.
I will guard and protect your stars and stripes,
with all my power, might and life.
i wish i could kill fuckers like this

My American Flag
The People of today
just rant and rave.
They burn my symbol of freedom,
I just want to grab and shake them.
They have no sense of pride,
For your beauty you never denied.
Like my brothers before me,
I have fought to keep your colors free.
With every battle that we had won,
you were there to show who was number one.
When our brothers had died,
you caressed their bodies with pride.
We have our leaders to thank,
for allowing these people their prank.
To them it may be a cloth of colors,
to me it stands for freedom and honor.
We must ask our leaders to debate,
and change our flags fate.
My American Flag this promise I give,
to hold you high and let you live.
My words to you are profound,
I'll keep your colors off the ground.
I will guard and protect your stars and stripes,
with all my power, might and life.

i wish i could kill fuckers like this

I'm doin pretty well, how bout you dear? i sent your print out today so you should have it really soon. Mwah!
I always wonder if Native Americans wants everybody to go back to their country...