Today was a good day...
Made some new friends via the interweb, Twwly graced me with a response (I don't think I will ever wash this keyboard againnot that I wash my keyboard on a regular basis), and I passed that dadgum physics class! Fuck YEAH! Fuck you Huygens, fuck you Michealson, and fuck you De Broglie. Einsteinyoure a pretty cool guy and the only one that made senseI keep you.
On the downside, I totally fucked up my shin in a crash today. But it was a fun ride, and thats what counts in the end.
Also, that twat that sold me the bum bike is going to be a rough ass about the whole thing. He wanted to pin the damaged and lost goods on FedEx. I didnt think that was cool. He fucked up by not packing the thing well. Those peeps work hard to bring us our mail ordered shtuffs (Got my SG tee today too!). No reason to take advantage of the situation to cover your ass. Fuck that guy, fuck him in his ear or eye or nosewhatever.
Made some new friends via the interweb, Twwly graced me with a response (I don't think I will ever wash this keyboard againnot that I wash my keyboard on a regular basis), and I passed that dadgum physics class! Fuck YEAH! Fuck you Huygens, fuck you Michealson, and fuck you De Broglie. Einsteinyoure a pretty cool guy and the only one that made senseI keep you.
On the downside, I totally fucked up my shin in a crash today. But it was a fun ride, and thats what counts in the end.
Also, that twat that sold me the bum bike is going to be a rough ass about the whole thing. He wanted to pin the damaged and lost goods on FedEx. I didnt think that was cool. He fucked up by not packing the thing well. Those peeps work hard to bring us our mail ordered shtuffs (Got my SG tee today too!). No reason to take advantage of the situation to cover your ass. Fuck that guy, fuck him in his ear or eye or nosewhatever.

Your brother should be wary of DISH. Especially if its Echosphere in Elkridge. They are crap. The whole company.
Damn, I was afraid of that. Ill pass on the words. Muchas gracias!