So, where to begin. The bad stuff
I had two exams to prepare for this week; Developmental Biology and Biological Chemistry. Both are my first 400 level classes at UMBC. Ive kinda been studying for them. Not nearly enough, however. Last night, my last chance to get any studying done, I just passed the f out. I had just mean to take a short nap before getting into it, but I ended bolt upright in the morning as my alarm went off. Dreading the onslaught of the test reamage, I trudged into school.
I get in, fool around in the lab for a bit, and hit up the first examDevelopmental. It was bad, real bad. I knew it would be bad though and I accepted the fact before going in. Needless to say I was relatively calm because of it. When Im calmI rock. So it went alright. Then I spent the next couple hours trying to get psyched for the BioChem exam. I was scaredreal scared. There wasnt anything to prepare with since the instructor hadnt taught the class in over 17 years. The book, has more information than one can stomach, was unbearable to process. The time of the exam came. I stayed, I rocked it, it rocked meit was a pleasant equilibrium of rocking. Well see about that one next week.
The good stuff...
I get home a bit later and rifle through my emails. At the top of the list was news I have been waiting almost two months to hear. I won my case against the fucker that sold me this bogus bike through (that online auction place). Ill keep it brief for the sake of not wanting to stay up much longer. The dude basically threw the bike in a box and didnt bubble wrap it or secure any of the parts. Stuff got beat up, lost, and he even sent cheap crap in place of stuff listed in the auction. He wanted to blame everything on the shipping company, and offered me a couple bucks ($25) for my troubles. I filed a complaint through (the online auction places money bank connector thingy business) and had to do some running around getting damage estimates (Thank you Race Pace!), and sat and waited. In the end they voted for me and awarded me a full refund. I had to send the bike back of courseBut I got my money back.
On top of that, while messing around on here (instead of preparing for my exams ;-) ) I stumbled across several old friends from back home. It had been a while since I last talked to them, and I kinda just disappeared (Im a dickI know). Anyway, I spent the next couple days catching back up with them and it was great. One of them moved up about two years ago, and I didnt even know it. Good times will be had!
Im heading out to Buffalo for more adventures tomorrow. An update will be posted when I get back.
Okenough yabberingthe bed it calls.
I had two exams to prepare for this week; Developmental Biology and Biological Chemistry. Both are my first 400 level classes at UMBC. Ive kinda been studying for them. Not nearly enough, however. Last night, my last chance to get any studying done, I just passed the f out. I had just mean to take a short nap before getting into it, but I ended bolt upright in the morning as my alarm went off. Dreading the onslaught of the test reamage, I trudged into school.
I get in, fool around in the lab for a bit, and hit up the first examDevelopmental. It was bad, real bad. I knew it would be bad though and I accepted the fact before going in. Needless to say I was relatively calm because of it. When Im calmI rock. So it went alright. Then I spent the next couple hours trying to get psyched for the BioChem exam. I was scaredreal scared. There wasnt anything to prepare with since the instructor hadnt taught the class in over 17 years. The book, has more information than one can stomach, was unbearable to process. The time of the exam came. I stayed, I rocked it, it rocked meit was a pleasant equilibrium of rocking. Well see about that one next week.
The good stuff...
I get home a bit later and rifle through my emails. At the top of the list was news I have been waiting almost two months to hear. I won my case against the fucker that sold me this bogus bike through (that online auction place). Ill keep it brief for the sake of not wanting to stay up much longer. The dude basically threw the bike in a box and didnt bubble wrap it or secure any of the parts. Stuff got beat up, lost, and he even sent cheap crap in place of stuff listed in the auction. He wanted to blame everything on the shipping company, and offered me a couple bucks ($25) for my troubles. I filed a complaint through (the online auction places money bank connector thingy business) and had to do some running around getting damage estimates (Thank you Race Pace!), and sat and waited. In the end they voted for me and awarded me a full refund. I had to send the bike back of courseBut I got my money back.
On top of that, while messing around on here (instead of preparing for my exams ;-) ) I stumbled across several old friends from back home. It had been a while since I last talked to them, and I kinda just disappeared (Im a dickI know). Anyway, I spent the next couple days catching back up with them and it was great. One of them moved up about two years ago, and I didnt even know it. Good times will be had!
Im heading out to Buffalo for more adventures tomorrow. An update will be posted when I get back.
Okenough yabberingthe bed it calls.
Have had to return to the place I sold my soul to. A jewellery store. Yep a brooding pawnbroking, cheque cashing money laundering, shopfitting, PA dog body to earn my 20K a year.
Damn, I need a narrowboat to live on, and to free my moorings. Surfing the Net has got a new meaning in so doing, and I sure as hell ain't gonna use Pay Palloi or Yahboo to help me choose her.
Wish I could get time to study, Hypnotherapy just doesn't seem to make ends meet (yet...) and I fall in debt at the thought ..with the Time Bank, or in outer space.
Keep on rockin