TV is good for something today... I just saw the trailer for the new Christopher Guest/Eugene Levy project, and oh my God it is like my entire childhood coming together!
Case in point:
1. I'm Canadian. I grew up watching SCTV because my mom used to take acting lessons at the Second City when the whole crew was doing their thing there in the late 70's, early 80's. SCTV was the only TV show we all watched as a family, and I do a fucking amazing Edith Prickley. I met Jane Eastman last time I went to the Second City for an all female show, she's so fucking awesome. Their sensibilities feel like family to me.
2. My mom and dad were Folkies. Ian & Sylvia, Joni Mitchell, Joan Baez, Woodie and Arlo Guthrie, Peter, Paul & Mary... soundtrack of my childhood. My dad would play guitar and him and my mom would sing together at church, at parties, in the backyard, in the bedroom (it's true!), at weddings, at summer camp family visits. I got over being embarrassed when I realized nobody else's parents did anything that weird, and started to kind of appreciate it. Although I still think my mom sings funny. So this movie, I think it's called "A Blowing Wind" or something Wind, spoofs Ian & Sylvia among others...
3. Parker Posey is in this one too. She's "new" to that crew (only because she wasn't in sctv) but I have to say, she's the PERFECT addition. She's the maraschino cherry on top of a chocolate banana split sundae. I *heart* Parker.
I think my house is going explode when we see that movie, my mom will be doing her best Catherine O'Hara character'isms (I just made that word up now, I know, I'm stupid), my dad will spend three days and nights with his headphones on listening to all his old folky records....he'll probably get dehydrated and forget to go to the bathroom... he gets like that when he's in a zone... and me, well...I'll just add it to my list of reasons why I love that entire era/crew.
Case in point:
1. I'm Canadian. I grew up watching SCTV because my mom used to take acting lessons at the Second City when the whole crew was doing their thing there in the late 70's, early 80's. SCTV was the only TV show we all watched as a family, and I do a fucking amazing Edith Prickley. I met Jane Eastman last time I went to the Second City for an all female show, she's so fucking awesome. Their sensibilities feel like family to me.
2. My mom and dad were Folkies. Ian & Sylvia, Joni Mitchell, Joan Baez, Woodie and Arlo Guthrie, Peter, Paul & Mary... soundtrack of my childhood. My dad would play guitar and him and my mom would sing together at church, at parties, in the backyard, in the bedroom (it's true!), at weddings, at summer camp family visits. I got over being embarrassed when I realized nobody else's parents did anything that weird, and started to kind of appreciate it. Although I still think my mom sings funny. So this movie, I think it's called "A Blowing Wind" or something Wind, spoofs Ian & Sylvia among others...
3. Parker Posey is in this one too. She's "new" to that crew (only because she wasn't in sctv) but I have to say, she's the PERFECT addition. She's the maraschino cherry on top of a chocolate banana split sundae. I *heart* Parker.
I think my house is going explode when we see that movie, my mom will be doing her best Catherine O'Hara character'isms (I just made that word up now, I know, I'm stupid), my dad will spend three days and nights with his headphones on listening to all his old folky records....he'll probably get dehydrated and forget to go to the bathroom... he gets like that when he's in a zone... and me, well...I'll just add it to my list of reasons why I love that entire era/crew.

i loove all those "novellas" mieja! i would watch those with you anyday, but i will expose you to the joy of chiflantes! he was a mexican comedian, and a personal role model! i am thrilled you still hold me in high regards. take care beautiful girl...