It's amazing what sunshine, frigid weather, and good company can do for a pissy attitude...
Let me begin by saying that the first thing to happen during my big afternoon out with Twwly was to do something nice (shared cigarettes with homeless dudes), and then two seconds later the city's fattest pigeon shat all over me.
This is par for the course, during a day out with me, so I was unphazed, but my jacket, scarf, mittens, hair, and my jeans all smell like pigeon shit, which for some of you is an unknown scent. It kind of smells like mouldy, rotten fiberglass with an undertone of sewer, and leaves a distinct after-whiff of urine. So, after wiping it all over myself with my various outerwear, we headed off to a yummy Thai restaurant where I made a beeline for the washroom and made a half assed attempt at washing up with hot soap and water. Being the great Canadian that I am, I of course had extra mittens in the trunk of my car, otherwise I would have had to pay $40 bucks for mittens, just because they're from a shop on Queen St. and have cute skulls on them or something. Where's the skiddy Giant Tiger stores when you need'em?
Twwly got a great pair of Dickies, I got the raddest pink vinyl belt with chrome stars and big grommets (15 bucks - SCORE!), and we dropped into the tattoo shop I used to work at and got my ears stretched up again, which I have been putting off for ages out of sheer laziness. I didn't get my new hairdo, but that'll be next week's venture...I need more excuses to get out. All in all, kiddos, it was a great day, and I feel at least 70% pure mtlqueen again.
Next week I must get a "real" copy of the Guitar record Clovesbud recommended as I have a ripped one and I always make an attempt to buy the real thing if I love it, which I do.
sounds like a lovely day!! and with twwly.....swoon! what a pair! mawaaaaah! enjoy!
Sorry about the bird. Lots of people say that's good luck. Frankly, I think it resembles being shit on. Maybe it's just the pessimist in me.
I really appreciated your entry yesterday. As you well know, I was in that hole myself for a few weeks. I am so thankful to be out of it. Except for being sick as a mofo all else is going smothly (touch wood). You'll get out soon (if you haven't already. Sounds like maybe you have.)
Anyway, just wanted to say hi. My energy is very low so I am going to check in with a few others and crawl in bed.