I have tattoos, I know right you are totally shocked! I got my first one in ’96 and never really looked back. I am a Suicide Girl and a girl that has a mind that doesn’t quit. Im artistic, scientific and witty!
I have always been the nerd, dork, opinionated French chick, odd ball, macabre mind and a bit eccentric. I have always worn too much clothing, been painfully shy and oblivious with boys.
That being said, despite been a social black sheep it never ceases to amaze me the amount of people that insist on labelling me. Sometimes labels are a good thing.. perhaps being looked at for your work, intelligence, passion and compassion. Labelling can also be very bad when people assume something based on social stereotypes.
Tattoos and my red hair do not make me a slut. I know its crazy but, very true. Posing for photoshoots in a tasteful way does not make me a whore. Blogging about pop culture and societal issues doesn’t mean I have done or support any of those activities.
I can be outgoing and witty when I get to know you but, slutty is the furthest thing from the truth. I don’t depend on men to make me happy and never have; Nor would I use them for my own devises .
So please stop labelling, perhaps just say “Hi” I may just say it back.