Pain & Pleasure
Being an ink junkie I have a great understanding of the addiction to pain.. Clearly there is an aspect of pleasure that comes from this pain or we/ I wouldn’t continue to subject myself to it… I got my first tattoo at 15 and never looked back.. Most teens go a different route.. they choose to pierce .. most commonly their nose, eyebrow maybe lip.. ect.. I have to admit, I was the 20 something with the eye brow, nose and tongue pierced..and a few years ago I decided to pierce my own ears directly to plugs.. . I did it again because I liked it.. but I never went passed your more run of the mill “western” piercings.
I have a few friends that have had their nipples done .. guys mostly and sure it looks pretty cool but, that is the craziest .. got me thinking about other types of piercings and why we do them. .. Is it a love affair with the endorphins… is it the sensation after the fact… is it both.. ?!?!?
So after a bit of reading … Kama Sutra, dated to Ancient India, describes genital piercing to permit sexual enhancement by inserting pins and other objects into the foreskin of the penis. In the Talmud there may be mention of a genital piercing, which medieval French Talmudic.. ..interpreted it as a chastity piercing for women. (Yah Kosher, BOO I don’t want a chastity issue)
Some pleasure seekers pierce, permanently and or temporarily, to enhance sexual pleasure. Genital and nipple piercings are supposed to increase sexual satisfaction in some cases for both parties.. … Some people participate in a form of “body play” known as play piercing, in which piercings may be done temporarily on the genitals or elsewhere ( back, arms, legs.. you name it) on the body for pain and pleasure.. Have I sold you on the idea yet?
Not that I should admit this: I used to put sewing needles under my skin to see what it was like.. It didn’t feel bad… Who knew .. right?!?!?
So turns out, I am not the only pain junkie .. seeking the pleasure of pain through art and expression. Inkers and piercers have something in common .. we both like our pain.. but.. “they” seem to also do it for more longer term gratification.. where as Ink just gets you laid LMAO