Urban Dicktionary (hehe)
“Dick Pic”
A picture of your dick
“Hey dude, I took a great dick pic last night for my girlfriend!”
Dear Men… you all know who you are!
Why do you think its okay to send a dick pic to every girl you see? Do you want to be that guy that ever girl knows what your junk looks like?!
Do you feel that its romantic?
Do you think it will make us immediately take our clothes off and maul you?!

What the fuck man.. what happen to a little decorum.??? Is there no room for the element of surprise anymore?
I mean you go out to a drink and a guy asks for your number… your open to the idea.. then “bam” not even 5 min later.. Dick Pic.. Did I need to see a comparison beside your dick for size reference?? WOW.. No conversation.. no wooing.. no hey where you from ..
It makes me wonder if you are over compensating for something…How did you get into the behaviour.?? Who the hell encouraged you along the way to make this seem alright??
All I can say is WHYYYYYYYYY.. and please stop.. unless a) you know the girl and have gone out with the girl and your working on spicing things up keep your dick pic to yourself ..
Lol. I posted on this a while back. So true right.