It all started In the month of October, year of 1983, there was a kid who was so unique, but was believed to be cursed. So many people have done harm to this poor kid, they wanted to see him hurt, they wanted too see him beaten, they wanted to see him cry. Then one day the poor boy gave up on life and prayed for an end, till the final sorrow ended in the year 1998. Now those who mean him harm will end up suffering from themselves or from others, death has never touched this boy as the six curses have never overtaken him, the life of Grimm began when the day he saw the world for what it really is, reality is the one thing that fears this boy because he is the one who make it into nothing but just what he dreams of. .................................................................................................................................................
If you are reading this, I hope that you get to know and understand me fully. My story is what I want it to be, sad or bad. But nomatter what my story is Its reason is nobody elses but my own. Ever since I was a child people thought of me as a handicapped individual, due to my autism status, people thought that I would be in a life where medical attention and assistince would be needed, but I proved them wrong when began to talk and I showed that I had an adnormal talent for puzzles. Life was hard, because I saw it that way, so many on here who hate their own life, they blame mommy or daddy, they blame the broken hearts they recieve, they blame the way they look, but what made my life hard was standing infront of my parents and showing them that their son is a failure, no freinds, no love, nothing. It was painful to deal with, the brokenhearts I can take, the denial of others, but I honestly realized that there was nothing to blame but myself, my parents thought it was my autism, but I knew it wasnt. Till one day, I changed, I smiled and accepted what I had, somehow I made something out of nothing, and I made the best out of everything that I could do. You may hate me, you may love me, but I am no failure, even when I die alone in this world and I end up in hell, i still would be proud of myself, because I never gave up on myself, and those who love me, thats my life.
If you are reading this, I hope that you get to know and understand me fully. My story is what I want it to be, sad or bad. But nomatter what my story is Its reason is nobody elses but my own. Ever since I was a child people thought of me as a handicapped individual, due to my autism status, people thought that I would be in a life where medical attention and assistince would be needed, but I proved them wrong when began to talk and I showed that I had an adnormal talent for puzzles. Life was hard, because I saw it that way, so many on here who hate their own life, they blame mommy or daddy, they blame the broken hearts they recieve, they blame the way they look, but what made my life hard was standing infront of my parents and showing them that their son is a failure, no freinds, no love, nothing. It was painful to deal with, the brokenhearts I can take, the denial of others, but I honestly realized that there was nothing to blame but myself, my parents thought it was my autism, but I knew it wasnt. Till one day, I changed, I smiled and accepted what I had, somehow I made something out of nothing, and I made the best out of everything that I could do. You may hate me, you may love me, but I am no failure, even when I die alone in this world and I end up in hell, i still would be proud of myself, because I never gave up on myself, and those who love me, thats my life.
where you are is where i grew up. your home is the home i long to forget.