Hello. I haven't written a blog for a long time, but this topic seemed interesting to me. During the first wave of coronavirus I was very scared. And for the first time I thought about this topic
1 - I want find country where i want stay. And get citizenship. I born in Belarus. But now not good time for belarussian people. I live in Ukraine now. But it not adult job friendly country. I want live in Slovakia, but not have money now.
2 - Ofc like most of girls i want become mom. I am very afraid of this. But think it amazing to be mom. I can't give birth until I move. So, hope in next 5 year i do it 😊
3 - I want big house for my family. And another big house for my and my husband families 🤪 Cause i love my parents and I want them to have a good old age.