Sunday Jun 19, 2005 Jun 19, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email yeah, online journals just dont push my buttons, i like talking to humans so this wont ever be updated unique3: Jun 21, 2005
Friday May 27, 2005 May 27, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email finally updated my prof VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS msusxe: I like all th ecartoons except the anime ones... I'm studyin Zoology with a concentration in Marine Biology (I hopr to work with sharks some day) I like all animals but I love the water and like aquatic animals better. You goin to msu ? Daniel Jun 8, 2005 unique3: hahaha..thats funny. I dont mind hot but I dislike the humidity. oh dont worry..there was plenty of nakedness going on. Jun 8, 2005