I'm married to a beautiful woman,whom i adore and love and appreciate..but sometimes i dont feel the same things from her,i stay home with my son while she goes out shopping or doing whatever and never ask for anything in returneverytime we argue i'm always doing the apoligizing..sh'es never wrong..and its getting to the point where i dont feel like being married anymore..just so confused,..she's a really good woman and an excellent mom..but as a wife i can't really say..i have mixed feelings now..tird of comprimising and arguing when i'm getting knocked down emotionally..
just dont know what to do..i don't like to argue..
Dude, both guys and girls do this. They use guilt as a tactic to get what they want. I don't know the details but chances are you're not doing much wrong. I've been with unapologetic girls before and they are selfish and unaware of the effect their actions have on others. If she's conscious of what she's doing then she's evil, if she's unconscious of what she's doing then she's just immature. A little girl. The key to being an adult is responsibility, the lack of is a child. Period. Good luck.
thanks dude..i think its more immaturity,with a chance of evil..