It's going to be a good two months. First we have
then we have
Is it just me, or has this been a long-ass work week? Jeez, it's taking forever to get to Saturday-sleep-in day. The fact that our weather truly blows doesn't help. It's supposed to be 82 and gorgeous on....wait for it...MONDAY!!!! I might just call in sick. I need a tan! I am nothing without my running/cycling shorts tan
Plus, things have just been neglected around the house this week. I somehow have a mountain of laundry out of nowhere, the yard is completely overgrown (blame that on the rain), and the basement is stressing me out. I didn't finish cleaning it on the 3-day weekend. And I have homework from this online science course that I completely "forgot" about that the last few days. Saturday is supposed to be crap weather so I will stay in and do all of the above, except for the yardwork of course. And I'll do it with the footie on in the background
C'mon weekend!

then we have

Is it just me, or has this been a long-ass work week? Jeez, it's taking forever to get to Saturday-sleep-in day. The fact that our weather truly blows doesn't help. It's supposed to be 82 and gorgeous on....wait for it...MONDAY!!!! I might just call in sick. I need a tan! I am nothing without my running/cycling shorts tan

Plus, things have just been neglected around the house this week. I somehow have a mountain of laundry out of nowhere, the yard is completely overgrown (blame that on the rain), and the basement is stressing me out. I didn't finish cleaning it on the 3-day weekend. And I have homework from this online science course that I completely "forgot" about that the last few days. Saturday is supposed to be crap weather so I will stay in and do all of the above, except for the yardwork of course. And I'll do it with the footie on in the background

C'mon weekend!
ok, i am over all the negative shit, went running just now, only 2 miles, but it felt good. now i just have to keep doing it!!
I don't envy my boss; he is going to be getting a sub-par performance from me for most of the summer...for first halves of the days anyway.