Migraine's gone, but I had the hangover yesterday.

I lost 3 lbs in my first week of nutrition re-vamp pull-my-act-together efforts. Yeah! You know that carbohydrate bloat/general look of puffiness/soft that one gets when one eats too much crap? It's going away. Tummy is flat, and I intend to keep it that way. I looooove coffee.
Going to take dmac's advice and get some Starbuck's for the next purchase. I forgot to pick some up this last weekend.
What else? Ummmmm...started my online 4-credit science class. I really really really tried to get out of taking it, but the school wouldn't let me. WTF do I need a 4-credit science for? I am old, and I am never going to use it. Anyhoo, I found Human Biology online and the school will accept it. Cool beans. It's all about well, ya know, biology of us humans. No dead piggies. It'll be over in 7.5 weeks. And I can do it in my jammies. Or nekkid cuz I'm feeling pretty good about my flat tummy.

Man, I need to call comcast. We have a great two months of sport: World Cup and le TOur de France and I need/want cable to take full advantage of both. Has Discovery announced their squad yet? ANd heads up: I will probly be discussing the day's results in my journal, so if you don't know the result and don't want to know, just be aware there will be spoilers most likely.

I have noticed that the migraine hangovers seem to be getting worse or at least more noticeable the older I get, sometimes lingering for two days after. When I was taking Paxil, I never got migraines. If not for the other side effects, eliminating four or six of those a year alone would make it worth it.
Will be glued to the tour on cyclingnews, and on the live TDF website. then watching it in grainy crap reception on SBS in the evening. Off for a couple of days up north. Supposed to be work ( will be bum-numbingly dull) but will get out for an open water swim both days in nice warm water....