I had a fun conversation with one of my supervising attnys yesterday. Peter wants me to go to some classes to learn to officiate rugby for next season. The weird part was this conversation was completely out of the blue. He knows that I run and cycle and have done tri, but rugby? He brought it up and I just looked at him cuz it was kinda random and my brain had to catch up. I told him I'd only seen a few matches when I lived in England, and basically know nothing about it. He didn't care, and said that I'd be great cuz I'm good at making in-the-moment judgments. Uhhhh..ok. he showed me a site with all the teams in one of the leagues. It slowly dawned on me that officiating means that I'd be out there with large fit sweaty manly men, in the mud and muck, and I'd get to be in charge. That's cool. And it'd keep me fit during winter when I pack on the pudge. Plus, I love the jerseys. So I'll look into it. It'll be fun.
I had two sex dreams in a row this morning. Which for me is unusual, at least within the context of my previous career incarnation. It also helps that I am running regularly and have my nutrition under control and am losing bloat and chub. I generally feel better about myself. Anyway, one of the dreams was with Tony Soprano. Tony, not James Gandolfini. Tony, depsite his morbid obesity, is a very charismatic, potent, and attractive fellow. But Carmella had her suspicions and was generally angry. Weird dream. I have my interpretation, but I'll leave it there. Suffice to say, Freud was right; it's all about individuation from the parents.
Anyhoo, crappy rainy cold weather here again. Weather is prbly #3 on my list of reasons to move from the east coast. It's cold enough that I might have to pull out my running pants. Which really, I don't mind because as you know, I LOOOOOOOVE my Adidas running pants. But I suspect that despite the temp. of 60'-ish (which for my sensitive Cali genes is freezing) it's too humid.
My fave pants:
Stupid stuff to do today:
Go shopping for pants for work. I have lots of winter types, but no warm weather types. Boring. Despite being a girl, I really can't stand shopping. I'll probly take the easy way out and just go to the Gap. That store is like Garanimals for Grown-ups; everything matches. You know what I need and can't find? 3/4 length sleeve v-neck t-shirts. Tons of crew neck t's about, but I've not been able to find v-neck. If any of you girls has a lead for me, let me know. They go great with trousers and skirts, they can be dressed up and dressed down, and they're comfy. I need some.
Home Depot and get the parts for inside the toilet.
Buy dog food.
Pick up odds n ends of groceries, incl. a new coffee flavor.
I think I'm forgetting something.
Ciao bellas, and enjoy the sun for me if you got it.
I had two sex dreams in a row this morning. Which for me is unusual, at least within the context of my previous career incarnation. It also helps that I am running regularly and have my nutrition under control and am losing bloat and chub. I generally feel better about myself. Anyway, one of the dreams was with Tony Soprano. Tony, not James Gandolfini. Tony, depsite his morbid obesity, is a very charismatic, potent, and attractive fellow. But Carmella had her suspicions and was generally angry. Weird dream. I have my interpretation, but I'll leave it there. Suffice to say, Freud was right; it's all about individuation from the parents.
Anyhoo, crappy rainy cold weather here again. Weather is prbly #3 on my list of reasons to move from the east coast. It's cold enough that I might have to pull out my running pants. Which really, I don't mind because as you know, I LOOOOOOOVE my Adidas running pants. But I suspect that despite the temp. of 60'-ish (which for my sensitive Cali genes is freezing) it's too humid.
My fave pants:

Stupid stuff to do today:
Go shopping for pants for work. I have lots of winter types, but no warm weather types. Boring. Despite being a girl, I really can't stand shopping. I'll probly take the easy way out and just go to the Gap. That store is like Garanimals for Grown-ups; everything matches. You know what I need and can't find? 3/4 length sleeve v-neck t-shirts. Tons of crew neck t's about, but I've not been able to find v-neck. If any of you girls has a lead for me, let me know. They go great with trousers and skirts, they can be dressed up and dressed down, and they're comfy. I need some.
Home Depot and get the parts for inside the toilet.
Buy dog food.
Pick up odds n ends of groceries, incl. a new coffee flavor.
I think I'm forgetting something.
Ciao bellas, and enjoy the sun for me if you got it.
Two sex dreams in a row? try being male (not really possible I guess). I can't remember the last dream that didn't have some sexual overtones/undertones. Even the cycling ones (and there are a lot of those...)
Rugby Union is truly the greatest team sport ever. I played from age 15 to 30. Got too hard and esy ot get injured after that. Couldn't do the referreeing job though. Dad did that when he 'retired' from playing and said it was like being a school teacher at the weekends as well as during the week. However your motives for it make me think about marshalling some of the women's tri events here (athletes, lycra, neoprene