It's 7:10 in the a.m., which is an hour earlier than I usually rise, but about 45 mins after when I wanted to rise. But I'll take it. Drank my coffee, putting on my running gear, and I am out the door into this gorgeous sunny day. See ya in a bit...

Have a good run
got up at 5.30. Put on the monitor. heart rate 38. did some stretches, heart rate 46. Drank half a cup of coffee. heart rate 73!!! Bloody hell.
Did my first ride in months with my old training buddy. Back was good, which is great. He smoked me on one of my favourite hills. not good. I could resign myself to the fact that he is 10 years younger and not worry about it. Alternatively, i could sneakily do a load of hill rep sessions while he is tapering for a marathon at the end of june. Mwahahahaha