I successfully ate this way last year, immediately after I left my ex-career. It was cleansing and liberating; by "it" I mean the way of eating, but "it" can also apply to leaving my ex-career. But I digress. I fell off this habit back in February, and have been fattening up like a pig for slaughter since. So starting today I am back on. It's not difficult to do, I simply eat meat, veg, and fruit. And properly timed high glucose stuff like bananas and yams and whatnot like that. But it is difficult getting through the detox of the sugar and white flour and processed crap. I am going to be one cranky bunny for the next few days. Things that will help: I have no cash on me and I am too lazy to go to the ATM. There are no fast food restaurants very close and I am too lazy, and too cheap to spend $ on gas, to drive.
So I am putting my cap on, adjusting my shades, and getting all focused on the task ahead. I have enlisted Kim to yell at me when I need it, so that will help.
Damn, there's a restaurant review show on in the background and they are talking about brunch and homemade biscuits and french toast. I

Anyhoo, it's hot and humid-ish for my run today, so my heartfelt thanks go to the chemists who developed this stuff:

I have a bunch of free samples for this stuff

but I don't do enough miles to warrant using it. I'll try it when my runs get above 8 miles.
My lust is the Bianchi 928 L carbon record 10. My back will be 40 years old next year and i reckon it deserves that ride-on-air feel you only get with carbon. Set up is a compromise. I tri so TT is important but I ride the mountains, so all the extra ironmongery and set up associated with a TT bike gets in the way. Oh yeah, I lurve me some mountains...