One of the keys to a sexy and totally awesome workout is the tunes. Picture the scene if you will: a cold dreary rainy New England spring day, much like mid-November. Everyone is cranky and depressed due to lack of vitamin D.
Sluggish, but I know I need to move my body to feel better. I dug out an old mp3 player that I haven't used since this time last year which means I have no idea what's loaded. I go down into the basement to run on the dreadmill. I don't open the windows so I can get a good sweat going. I turn on the tunes and this is what I find:
Pressure Drop - Clash version. Great way to start a run. It's bouncy but not too fast that I start out of the gate in a sprint. And it's the only band that matters.
Echo & the Bunnymen - Do It Clean. Punky-pop done right.
I've been here there everywhere
Here there nowhere
Iszy bitzy witzy witzy everywhere
I've been here and I've been there
OOOH! More Echo! Back of Love - We can't tell our left from right
But we know we love extremes
Getting to grips with the ups and downs
Because there's nothing in between
Elvis Costello - Let them talk let them talk let them all talk. 'nuff said
Ministry - Burning Inside. Do all you oldsters remember way back in the 80's when Al used to sing with a fake English accent? That was great. So I cranked the speed and did some sprints till I wanted to puke.
Julian Cope - World Shut your Mouth. Damn, I love St. Julian, and I love this song. I bopped on for another few minutes.
Slowed it down with Johnny Cash doin' Rusty Cage. This mans low notes give me such a raging boner.
Time for weights. Started with Picture Book by the Kinks. Sang it at the top of my lungs. Especially the scooby-dooby-do parts.
Los Lobos - Shakin' shakes. I fricken love this band. I saw them probly like 10 times when I lived in SD. They are huge in SoCal. They do one hella great show. Go see them if you get the chance.
Madonna - Only when I'm dancing can I feel this free
At night I lock the doors, where no one else can see
I'm tired of dancing here all by myself
Tonight I wanna dance with someone else
Now I am off to the shower. A workout this good is the perfect time to have a shower buddy. I need me one of those.

Sluggish, but I know I need to move my body to feel better. I dug out an old mp3 player that I haven't used since this time last year which means I have no idea what's loaded. I go down into the basement to run on the dreadmill. I don't open the windows so I can get a good sweat going. I turn on the tunes and this is what I find:
Pressure Drop - Clash version. Great way to start a run. It's bouncy but not too fast that I start out of the gate in a sprint. And it's the only band that matters.
Echo & the Bunnymen - Do It Clean. Punky-pop done right.
I've been here there everywhere
Here there nowhere
Iszy bitzy witzy witzy everywhere
I've been here and I've been there
OOOH! More Echo! Back of Love - We can't tell our left from right
But we know we love extremes
Getting to grips with the ups and downs
Because there's nothing in between
Elvis Costello - Let them talk let them talk let them all talk. 'nuff said
Ministry - Burning Inside. Do all you oldsters remember way back in the 80's when Al used to sing with a fake English accent? That was great. So I cranked the speed and did some sprints till I wanted to puke.
Julian Cope - World Shut your Mouth. Damn, I love St. Julian, and I love this song. I bopped on for another few minutes.
Slowed it down with Johnny Cash doin' Rusty Cage. This mans low notes give me such a raging boner.
Time for weights. Started with Picture Book by the Kinks. Sang it at the top of my lungs. Especially the scooby-dooby-do parts.
Los Lobos - Shakin' shakes. I fricken love this band. I saw them probly like 10 times when I lived in SD. They are huge in SoCal. They do one hella great show. Go see them if you get the chance.
Madonna - Only when I'm dancing can I feel this free
At night I lock the doors, where no one else can see
I'm tired of dancing here all by myself
Tonight I wanna dance with someone else
Now I am off to the shower. A workout this good is the perfect time to have a shower buddy. I need me one of those.

Pulp c-o-m-m-on p-e-o-p-le
Specials gangsters
Clash wrong 'em boyo
5k 85% effort
Rancid Junkie man
Teardrop explodes reward
specials Monkey man (dis one is for da bouncers, big, big monkey man) - its stuck in my head now
Morningwood jetsetter
cool down
you're wondering now (specials)
A praise chorus - jimmy eat world
Inspired to put th Bunnymen on for tomorrow though