Says James, in my opinion, there's nothing in this world
Beats a 52 Vincent and a red headed girl
Now Nortons and Indians and Greeveses won't do
They don't have a soul like a Vincent 52
He reached for her hand and he slipped her the keys
He said I've got no further use for these
I see angels on Ariels in leather and chrome
Swooping down from heaven to carry me home
And he gave her one last kiss and died
And he gave her his Vincent to ride
I wanna change my avatar. Don't know to what though. Oh but don't worry, Jan will be back come July. Hopefully he'll be kicking some ass so that smile will look like a smirk due to all his awesomely diesel ass kickin'
So how's your midlife crisis progressing? Mine's pretty mellow. I was doing dishes yesterday and I realised I spent the first half of my life first expecting to die at any moment, and then when that didn't pan out trying to get myself in some sort of presentable order, incl. physical, mental, and emotional. In other words, my focus was all on me. Not necessarily in bad ways, though not not necessarily either, if you know what I mean.
So now I'm at the door of the second half of my life and I find myself contemplating the underlying structure that I want, while at the same time keeping things flexible. Does that make any sense??? There are basic things I will not compromise on, and the rest of it is open to whatever the universe sees fit to throw my way.
So, I want to have a man around. A man who has interests and dreams and shit he wants to do. I figure if I can find a guy with a list of adventures to do, and we combine his list with my list, we'll be good to go. And before some of ya'll start lecturing me about being Type A and rigid and not seeing the Zen of it all, I do not mean an actual concrete things-to-do-list. I'm talking an abstract set of ideas. For instance, I would like to go to Morocco.
That's on my "list". I would like to go to New Zealand, hence that too is on my "list".
I wanna go catch the Tour a few times or twelve.
Ya know, do shit. Have adventures. Takes lots of pictures. Maybe purchase an infant while we're out, like Angelina, Her Royal Hotness.
None of this sittin' around watchin' tv for me and my man. We're so outta here, gonna blow this taco stand.
I'm gonna do these things anyway, i would just rather do them with someone else. It's more fun when adventures are shared. And exploring someone else's world is awesome.
AAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!! The Bike The BIke The Bike!!!!!!!!!!! SAVE THE BIIIIIIKKKKE!!!!! Please, for the love of God!!!
I can never get the definition of "irony" correct. Is it ironic when an English major spells like every fourth word completely wrong in her journal? Wrong like "irrection".
Beats a 52 Vincent and a red headed girl
Now Nortons and Indians and Greeveses won't do
They don't have a soul like a Vincent 52
He reached for her hand and he slipped her the keys
He said I've got no further use for these
I see angels on Ariels in leather and chrome
Swooping down from heaven to carry me home
And he gave her one last kiss and died
And he gave her his Vincent to ride

I wanna change my avatar. Don't know to what though. Oh but don't worry, Jan will be back come July. Hopefully he'll be kicking some ass so that smile will look like a smirk due to all his awesomely diesel ass kickin'
So how's your midlife crisis progressing? Mine's pretty mellow. I was doing dishes yesterday and I realised I spent the first half of my life first expecting to die at any moment, and then when that didn't pan out trying to get myself in some sort of presentable order, incl. physical, mental, and emotional. In other words, my focus was all on me. Not necessarily in bad ways, though not not necessarily either, if you know what I mean.
So now I'm at the door of the second half of my life and I find myself contemplating the underlying structure that I want, while at the same time keeping things flexible. Does that make any sense??? There are basic things I will not compromise on, and the rest of it is open to whatever the universe sees fit to throw my way.
So, I want to have a man around. A man who has interests and dreams and shit he wants to do. I figure if I can find a guy with a list of adventures to do, and we combine his list with my list, we'll be good to go. And before some of ya'll start lecturing me about being Type A and rigid and not seeing the Zen of it all, I do not mean an actual concrete things-to-do-list. I'm talking an abstract set of ideas. For instance, I would like to go to Morocco.

That's on my "list". I would like to go to New Zealand, hence that too is on my "list".

I wanna go catch the Tour a few times or twelve.

Ya know, do shit. Have adventures. Takes lots of pictures. Maybe purchase an infant while we're out, like Angelina, Her Royal Hotness.
None of this sittin' around watchin' tv for me and my man. We're so outta here, gonna blow this taco stand.
I'm gonna do these things anyway, i would just rather do them with someone else. It's more fun when adventures are shared. And exploring someone else's world is awesome.
AAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!! The Bike The BIke The Bike!!!!!!!!!!! SAVE THE BIIIIIIKKKKE!!!!! Please, for the love of God!!!

I can never get the definition of "irony" correct. Is it ironic when an English major spells like every fourth word completely wrong in her journal? Wrong like "irrection".
Is it ironic when an English major spells like every fourth word completely wrong in her journal? Wrong like "irrection".
I may not know "irony" but I do know "funny" and that is funny.