woops! drank too much again. ok fine i just got home and im still a lil drunk.
its Robs birthday! hes my bestest friend (for 11 years now, FUCK) and he turned the big 3-0!
so we went to a mexican dive and closed that shit down, tequila and margarita stylee!!!
i believe they call this the walrus....but i dont think youre supposed to do it with a blue margarita in one hand and a PITCHER of beer in the other.

and yes i finished the pitcher of beer on my own.

and NO (mike!) i DONT have a drinking problem. it was a special occasion.
soooooo many rounds of tequila shots!!!
me and my boys <3

aaaaaaand the whole drunken lot of us:

its Robs birthday! hes my bestest friend (for 11 years now, FUCK) and he turned the big 3-0!
so we went to a mexican dive and closed that shit down, tequila and margarita stylee!!!
i believe they call this the walrus....but i dont think youre supposed to do it with a blue margarita in one hand and a PITCHER of beer in the other.

and yes i finished the pitcher of beer on my own.

and NO (mike!) i DONT have a drinking problem. it was a special occasion.

soooooo many rounds of tequila shots!!!

me and my boys <3

aaaaaaand the whole drunken lot of us:


You are right it doesn't suck. Mexican food never sucks. I had it 2 times today. No tequila though I was working on motorcycles.

that sticker about guys jerking off to you made me laugh so hard..and weellll maybe true