When I came home from school at eleven thirty last night and my mom told me my god sister's older sister Apple (the same bitch) sneak out our house instead of talking to slutty friends on the phone, snoopy my notebooks, rip my notebooks (my lecture notes of philosophy, english and nutrition) from my last two semesters and toss the garbage at her mom's house. This theif, psycho, slutty, lying, gemini ass fourteen year old BITCH made me angry. Grrr.... . If you got believe me look at the last blog of June 30. This girl is jealous of me because I have a good friendship with her sister, T. Also, Apple stole my mom's pair of socks from Forman Mills at her bedroom. Next time she came to my house, this bitch is not allowed to come inside of my house because she is sneaky. Please read the blog of yesterday. I'm going to my cousin's bridal shower this coming Saturday afternoon.
you're pretty awesome