Okay, some of you will call me crazy. That's probably valid, lol. I've wanted this procedure done since I was sooo very young, though, and I am so happy to have finally gotten it.

So, I flew out to Pittsburgh to meet my artist. I got off the plane, and less than 30 minutes later I was in the studio discussing aftercare and procedure. He...
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Heal up soon! I think it’s very cool and commendable that you went through all of that. It was like an adventure!
I'm glad that your artist was there to hold your hand, so to speak. Happy that you're home safe and your mission was accomplished. I wish you a safe and speedy recovery. πŸ’–πŸ˜˜

I would like to thank @nadschust for tagging me in this cute quiz!

1) I’m allergic to: Cats, dogs, and a number of trees/grasses/pollen etc.

2) My pet peeve is: People trying to talk to me when I'm busy lol

3) I hate the smell of: A lot of things? lol skunks?

4) I’m most scared of: Failing in my goals/aspirations

5) I can’t stand...
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Thanks for sharing sweetie.
Great blog !

*holds up hands to catch it*
Lovely bum against glass 😍😍

Thank you for including me, @nadschust!

1. I am an 80's nerddd!

2. My eyes are hazel, so sometimes they look more green, others more brown

3. For my favorite comic series, I buy all the individual issues and then the hardback with them all included...cuz I'm a nerd

4. I just got new vampire fangs, and I think I wanna wear them every single...
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Thank you for playing sweetie! πŸ’–πŸ˜˜
Comics!! :)

Hope to see you guys on my live tonight! Let's talk music! I got introduced to a bunch of new 80s BANGERS that I didn't know, and I can't wait to twerk to em with ya!

Check out my spotify playlists on my allmylinks!
