I had a really fun weekend kitten-sitting
A girl I work with was giving away some accidental kittens, and my cuz wanted one but couldn't take it until today. Kathy needed me to take it on Saturday, so I was a substitute kitten mom for a couple of days. I miss that little guy. I'll put up a picture of him tomorrow.
Right now, I'm off to bed. I'm sick, and the doctor has her suspicions as to what's wrong with me, but I have to go in the morning for a couple of blood tests to see if she's right. And I want her to be right just so I'll know, but for god's sake if she's right...LOL I'll be the only woman in the history of the world who has to miss her own 35th birthday party because of fucking mono

Right now, I'm off to bed. I'm sick, and the doctor has her suspicions as to what's wrong with me, but I have to go in the morning for a couple of blood tests to see if she's right. And I want her to be right just so I'll know, but for god's sake if she's right...LOL I'll be the only woman in the history of the world who has to miss her own 35th birthday party because of fucking mono

Just say no to mono! I would imagine it is highly overrated anyways! So, stay well and celebrate your birthday in style!!!