In entertainment news today:
Think of it as the most sensational, inspirational, celebrational, Muppetational reality show around.
After plunking down a whopping $90 million last year for rights to Kermit and cohorts, Disney is hoping to relaunch the Muppets on a prime-time ABC series parodying such unscripted hits as American Idol and America's Next Top Model.
And now I'm going Halloween costume shopping. No, not for myself. Angie's going to be Princess Toadstool and must have a pink princess dress. Tiara and scepter optional, but much desired
Think of it as the most sensational, inspirational, celebrational, Muppetational reality show around.
After plunking down a whopping $90 million last year for rights to Kermit and cohorts, Disney is hoping to relaunch the Muppets on a prime-time ABC series parodying such unscripted hits as American Idol and America's Next Top Model.
And now I'm going Halloween costume shopping. No, not for myself. Angie's going to be Princess Toadstool and must have a pink princess dress. Tiara and scepter optional, but much desired
If you get the job do you get to harrass the elderly? Because...well..I think you should have the option!