I've been up to my ears in a crazy new project which took up every second of my days off this week. I've got pictures, but they're e-fucking-normous and I don't have the patience to crop them down or load them right now anyway.
What's the last project you've thrown yourself into without having a clue what you're really doing? Bonus points if it includes... Read More
My job may well be killing me. I officially hate car accidents, bratty 16 year olds who don't know how good they really have it sponging off their parents, and lunatics. Oh, the stories I could tell
And there's another thing that I have going on, that I'm really actually kind of scared to talk about just in case it's... Read More
God, I've been lazy. Except for all the 16 hour days I've been pushed into working in the past week, when it turns out that I do nothing but work and sleep. The next month promises more to come. It's going to be ugly, except for how nice all that extra money/comp time is going to be later
I keep waiting for the good stuff in life to happen so I have something decent to post.
Unfortunately enough, it's looking like a long wait, so here's some of what's going on with me.
*despite multiple rounds of different (and sometimes painful) tests, the doc still has no clue what's wrong with me. The good news is, I do not have mono, strep, mumps,... Read More
Well, the good news is, it's not mono. The bad news is, they got no idea what's wrong with me, and I'm still not right. Wait, we knew that already. How about...I'm still sick
But, my very good friend Jess got me a lovely birthday gift--this book--and I'm really looking forward to its arrival. C'mon, birthday book!
Ok, that kitty is just to darned cute!!
As for the loft bed, ya know, I'm already a little tired of it... the thought was cool, but (and I HATE to say this) I think I'm getting a little to old for this kind of thing! It just might turn into a crash pad for a friend or storage shelf! lol!
Although the stripper pole is a most nifty idea, I really can't see myself plunking down on the upper side of $200 for one (besides, if I do ditch the bed, how would I explain the pole! ). I think, in the end, I just might continue using it... I've got a niftly little setup with the couch below... it's like a fort! If I ever get really tired of clambering up and down that ladder, I can always move the bed part down so it's positioned on the floor... I'd have to find a new fort, though. Hmmm... what to do, what to do...
I had a really fun weekend kitten-sitting A girl I work with was giving away some accidental kittens, and my cuz wanted one but couldn't take it until today. Kathy needed me to take it on Saturday, so I was a substitute kitten mom for a couple of days. I miss that little guy. I'll put up a picture of him tomorrow.
My mom's been looking to buy a new car for a while, so I went with her this morning to try to help her decide which one she should get. She's not driven by love, but practicality, when it comes to her vehicles. So we're looking at Chrysler Sebrings this morning, and I happen by a pretty little midnight blue Dodge Neon, and I'm admiring... Read More
Oh wow! I LOVE getting new things, like cars! I'm only 23 and I've already had a Suzuki Sidekick, a honda accord, a toyota Celica, a VW passat and my mustang! I've had my mustang for 3 years now! The longest I've ever owned a car! I only had my passat for like 3 months! I go through cars like shoes...which I have plenty of too!
What year is your new car? You must post pictures!!
Enjoy the new car smell! I LOVE it and you really can't replacate it...
and YES I'm SO HAPPY to get out of the place I'm in now...and into a REAL (big!!!) house!
Ok, who decided that change is good?!? This is just nothin' but confusing to me. I mean, it looks great and whoever designed it did a lovely job, but a warning would've been nice
also, I finally remembered that I was gonna post a picture of my new hair...yes, I'm hiding it in a spoiler
You're not afraid to lay around resting your hand in your pants."
um kinda acurate, scary, but acurate.