Let me tell you pep pep people that its my LIFE---We can't be thinking about getting another place----why?---because i haven't gotten a seccure job yet.---becasue if we were to jump off now there wouldn't be a steady income--hmmmmmmm will have to contuniue this laterz
oh yea
oh baby oh baby oh baby.....get off me now maFO!!!!!!!!!
So I have been working in a temp service for the legal division. Can't complain. I get paid more than double than I was making at a regular law firm. I get to go to law firm to law firm and get like vacation in the middle. I love it, whonder why I never exercised the idea before. It is coolest because of school and... Read More
So I am off to hunt for a job since me going to jail is out of the question. why you ask? Because if I go I will not be there for just a day or so but longer. Longer because of the amount I owe the government. Hmmmm wonder what kind of job to do next. I always like to try diffrent things and... Read More
Alright so I am sitting here debating on whether or not I should turn myself in TONIGHT so I can sit out these warrants I have accumulated. Damn I guess I kinda let them get out of hand because I have 6, jeez louise. I'd rather go sit the time out instead of handign over like thousands of doe to the man. Hmmm what to... Read More
hello every one out there in Tv land! heh man soory i have negligent to the site that is Suicidegirls, but these sum classes are taking up all my free time. "Love Buried Alive in your Arms, SLAVE."-Weezer not one of thier best albumns by the way. Blah ha ha