1. How long have you been a photographer?
A: I have been photographing professionally since 2013.
2. Why did you choose to pursue a career as a photographer?
A: When I was fired from my old Designer job, I started shooting and discovered a huge passion doing it. I received a proposal to shoot at parties and night clubs. I started a career in this segment and after living 4 months in the USA I realized that the sensual photography market was expanding. When I returned to Brazil I specialized in this segment of photography and never stopped.
3. Besides photography what are your interests/hobbies?
A: I am very nerdy, I love technology, games and now I am looking to improve my drawing skills.
4. What are your 5 favorite SG shots?
Tower #1: the Furiosa’s bio-dome
5: Which is your favorite lens? Why?
A: My darling of the moment is Sony's 24-70mm G series. It is not so clear but it is absurdly versatile. I can take all kinds of photos with this lens.
6. Whose work has influenced you most?
A: A Brazilian photographer named Henrique Cesar https://www.instagram.com/henriquecesar/
7. What one superpower would you want and why?
A: Idk, maybe flying? Clear my mind up on the sky.
8. What kind of gear do you use?
A: Sony a7r4, I was a Nikon user few months ago.
9. What is the most rewarding part of being a photographer for you?
A: To see the girls faces after a shoot, the happiness, the confidence, the self-love, see that is priceless.
10. What kind of tools do you use for post processing?
A: Lightroom and Photoshop.
11. What does photography mean to you?
A: Freedom to live by myself and freedom to express my creativity and my art through images.
12. If you could time travel, when/where would you go?
A: See great events of the history through my own eyes and photograph, for sure.
13. What is the most difficult part of being a photographer for you?
A: I think the most difficulty part is not have how to shoot everyone because I don't have more time and the year have only 365 days =(
14. What makes the good picture stand out from the average?
A: The eye of the photographer.
15. What inspires you?
A: The earth. There is too much beauty out there. All types of places.
16. What is your favorite shot someone else has taken?
A: Venus, Lavish & Caustix - https://www.suicidegirls.com/girls/lavish/album/4067261/venus/
17. Is there an image that sums up you best?
This photo of me and @blizzard , taken by @fromlimbo in France, 2019. I think this photo means a lot to me, because transpires confidence, I'm totally hers, and she is mine. We are in love for a long time, and this photo shows exactly that.
A: 18. Tell us something about yourself that no one would guess?
A: I was a professional ballroom dancer. And a Counter-Strike 1.6 professional player.
19. What is your favorite shot you have ever taken?
I think it is this photo, which was taken at a time when my photography was a little stagnant, and I believe that after it I reached another level of photographic quality. And an entrepreneurial mindset too.
/m Vanessa G.
A: 20. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
A: Don't give up for anything. If you want it, go for it!
@missy @penny @photographer @rambo @lemon