I think I just successfully loaded a picture of my newest tattoo. I think it is way cool and wish I could see it more. This posted picture doesn't look as bright as the original. Wonder why....
Fyrestarter and I are having a roll-your-own maki party tonight. It will be fun to watch her nephew try to make his own sushi.
Not to mention the food will be mmm mmm good
I have been reading the best book and can hardly put it down. It's called "God Still Don't Like Ugly," and is a sequel to "God Don't Like Ugly." The subject matter is difficult, but in this second book, you get to see the main character blossom and rise above her horrible beginnings.
Fyrestarter and I are having a roll-your-own maki party tonight. It will be fun to watch her nephew try to make his own sushi.

I have been reading the best book and can hardly put it down. It's called "God Still Don't Like Ugly," and is a sequel to "God Don't Like Ugly." The subject matter is difficult, but in this second book, you get to see the main character blossom and rise above her horrible beginnings.
We keep missing each other's activity on here.
I hope you're doing well
~Cheers and such to you and yours