Today's Quote:
"In brightest day, in blackest night,
No Evil shall escape my sight,
Let those who worship Evil's might,
beware my power, GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!" - Green Lantern Oath
Of all the comic heroes, GL is my fave.
I miss my wife, she's doing "Give the Gift of Sight" in Hollywood, CA, giving little kids free eye exams. She'll be back on Saturday. I may need traction afterwards
We moved our Wedding to Jan. 05. that way we can save lots of cash to make it REAL nice. My sister says she wont be able to make it, gave her too short notice, so she can't change her plans, so I'm seeing my Sis and Bro-in-law come October and missing them come January. Real shame.
For some good news, seems I'm pretty good at my new job. I run the shipping/receiving/inventory section of a small tech company in Scottsdale, ALL the way across town during BOTH rush hours. Oh well.. outside that its a good job. Ill work it for the next few months to get some verifiable experience (6 months should be fine), then put out my resume for something closer to home. I like my free time, plus not having to gas up twice a week would make me quite happy
And for your viewing pleasure. I bring you: IRON MAN!!!!!!!
I think I just came in my pants

"In brightest day, in blackest night,
No Evil shall escape my sight,
Let those who worship Evil's might,
beware my power, GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!" - Green Lantern Oath
Of all the comic heroes, GL is my fave.

I miss my wife, she's doing "Give the Gift of Sight" in Hollywood, CA, giving little kids free eye exams. She'll be back on Saturday. I may need traction afterwards

We moved our Wedding to Jan. 05. that way we can save lots of cash to make it REAL nice. My sister says she wont be able to make it, gave her too short notice, so she can't change her plans, so I'm seeing my Sis and Bro-in-law come October and missing them come January. Real shame.
For some good news, seems I'm pretty good at my new job. I run the shipping/receiving/inventory section of a small tech company in Scottsdale, ALL the way across town during BOTH rush hours. Oh well.. outside that its a good job. Ill work it for the next few months to get some verifiable experience (6 months should be fine), then put out my resume for something closer to home. I like my free time, plus not having to gas up twice a week would make me quite happy

And for your viewing pleasure. I bring you: IRON MAN!!!!!!!
I think I just came in my pants

Happy Halloween Honey!